Saturday, March 24, 2012

lindo demais

Last week I went on a field trip to Salvador with my class from school. Field trips are really uncommon here during high school so everyone was telling me how lucky I was. We took two buses, one for each class, to our destination. The buses were not like school buses, but like tour buses with comfortable seats, personal lights, and a bathroom.

The beginning of our trip involved a lot of picture taking, screaming, switching seats, and singing and dancing in the aisle. This to me was very strange. Yes buses full of high school kids normally are pretty loud and crazy, but standing, let alone dancing, while the bus is moving is definitely not allowed. Once again another example of how different the rules of the road are here. More dangerous!

When we arrived in Salvador we walked for about 5 minutes to the church we were there to see. Salvador is the capital of Bahia and the first capital of Brazil so it is filled with a lot of history. I've seen a lot of pictures beforehand of the pelourinho, which is the center of the city, but photos don't do justice to how absolutely beautiful it is. I'm not kidding, it took my breath away. Anyone who was standing near me I'm sure heard me say, "Ahhhh que lindoooo!" a million times.

Sadly I stole this photo off google because I'm still waiting for the cable for my camera. It's very sad because I have a ton of great photos to upload!

The church was also very, very beautiful. Gold is covering just about every inch of the walls, it's gorgeous.

My host mom is going to take me again in a couple of weeks to see more of the city and I'm really excited.
I really, really want to travel while I'm here. Seeing Salvador makes me want see more of what Brazil has to offer. Hopefully I will have the opportunity to do so!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

When it rains, it pours

During my first week in Brazil, I experienced the heaviest rainfall of my life.

When it started, the heavy pounding the rain created drove me the the window. As I stood there in awe, my sister ran into my room, handed me headphones, and ran out. I put them on just in time to see her run out into the yard from my window and embrace the rain while I listened to something similar to Mozart.

Soon I was standing downstairs. I stood on the threshold between our roof's protection and the pouring rain.

I was reluctant to take a shower, but somehow I reasoned with myself and I too, was out in the rain. I was SOAKED after 3 seconds.

Eventually a mini soccer game was started with me, my sister, and my younger brother and sister that soon joined us.

It was really fun, and just like that, it was over. Pouring one second, sunning the next.

Bem-vinda ao Brasil.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

blast from 3 weeks ago

Today I became a legal resident of Brazil. I have registered with the Federal Police and don't have to worry about it again until August. I was finger printed for the first time in my life (I think). It is great to finally have that done and over with since it was pretty stressful and difficult getting the paperwork together and finding time to make it to the airport where it's located.

This is the same airport where I met my host family for the first time and started my new life. It was so strange to see the spot where it all happened. That whole day was so surreal and feels so far in the past.

I remember exactly how I felt standing at the baggage claim. I remember exactly what it was like to walk through those double doors and into the huge crowd of people and think "oh my god" ... and yet, it kind of feels like a dream.

I'm not a tourist. I'm a temporary resident. This is my life now. If my time here was already up, I would be so angry, disappointed, and sad for so many reasons. I've had an amazing time so far, but I know there are still SO many new things I have yet to experience here. I haven't seen enough of the country, the people, or the culture. I haven't learned the language. I haven't changed. And therefore, I'm not ready, and glad I don't have to be.

I remember when I was younger and I used to think that a year was such a long time. Now, it's not long at all. Years fly by in Alaska. Here, they will go even faster.